Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some local wildlife!

Boy, it's amazing what you can find on a third floor balcony! For example, we have some regular visitors here- two hooded orioles (a male and a female...)

A whole flock of finches...

a hawk that hangs out in the palm tree right outside our window (although I only got a picture of it perched on the next building over...)

And this morning we saw a tiny little lizard! How he got up here, I have NO idea, but I hope he finds a few nice bugs to eat! Better food for the lizard than a pest on my radishes!

We also have three Anna's hummingbirds that chase each other off the feeder when the orioles aren't hogging it, but man those guys are speedy! I don't have any really good photos of them right now. So many exciting dramas get played out right outside- even my husband who'd live in a cinder block box if it had broadband has gotten excited about it all!

Check one... TWO...

I'm not dead. I promise! It's just been completely insane since last year (got married, got pregnant... you know. life stuff.)

Superquick update, though- more peppers on the balcony this year, and also tomoatos, eggplants, roses, radishes... good stuff! The starter is wonderfully sour and produces some seriously tasty bread things.

That's about all I have for this very moment. I'm sure I'll have more interesting things to say in the near future, though! TTFN!