Monday, September 7, 2009

What I have been Up To


Here's one of the fruits of my balcony (pardon the crummy cutting board)

And this is the font of many many yummy things!! Sourdough starter.

So handy for things like, say, english muffins!!

I have also been doing some knitting (which I can't show you- it's for presents) and some spinning which came out rather badly in the photos. Maybe when it's done I'll try again on the balcony with better lighting.

Otherwise I've mostly just been unpacking and cleaning and looking for a new job, and playing a lot of World of Warcraft. My Sweetheart seems to be very happy (and very very busy) at his new job, and I am oddly happier here than I was in Tustin. I am not sure why that is, but I think it has something to do with the natural light here, and the happy homemaking I've been up to. I don't know. Also might be the fact that I haven't had to think about the wedding for about a week, really. Just sort of momentarily here and there. I really must be the anti-bride, because I can't wait for all that nonsense to be over. I want a husband and a vacuum cleaner out of the whole thing.

Then I can really get down to making the most of this starter! Sourdough bread for everyone!! WHEE!!


  1. Mmm... starter sourdough...
    I wish I had known you needed some, because I could have mailed you some for free.
    Where did you get it from?

    Mine is from King Arthur. :3

  2. I started it from scratch, actually. All you need is flour and water, and an alarm clock to remind you to feed it. :P Well, I needed an alarm clock anyway! I hear that the King Arthur one isn't bad though. I have no idea what want totally wrong with my bread yesterday though- it tastes find but the crust is totally pale and, well, not very crusty. ah well.

  3. The last pile of goo -- I mean bread -- that I made was sourdough wheat. I think I should do half wheat and half white next time. >.>;;

    I think the sourdough is okay, I'm not a huge fan of the taste, but it was freeeeeee and Simon likes it. xD
