Monday, August 2, 2010

Busy busy!

Boy, what a crazy couple of weeks! It all started a few weeks ago when a good friend flew in from all the way across the country to stay with us for a few days of relaxation and calm before the insanity of Comic Con. It was really great to see him, and we got to show off one of our very favorite restaurants, which was very cool. (Also, while there, hey look. It's Fabio! It's funny how living in LA kind of makes you feel less excited about that sort of sighting.)

Comic Con was, as usual, completely insane. This is actually a bit away from the convention center itself, and the crowd has barely thinned at all.

SUPER crowded as always, it took my poor husband almost 2 hours to find parking when we got down there on Thursday.

He'd dropped our friend and me off in front of the Tin Fish in San Diego to minimize my walking (such a good dad-to-be!) so we had some fish and chips while we waited.

And waited.

And started to get a bit worried.

And waited some more. And finally got his food packed into boxes to take with us. Naturally, as soon as we crossed the street towards the convention center, he called to tell us that he would be at the Tin Fish in mere moments to join us. Ah well, it all worked out-he got his tasty fried seafood, we got him back, and in the end I even got a badge! (“Hi, so, my pregnant wife wasn't going to come originally, so she doesn't have a badge. Is there any way I can avoid leaving my pregnant wife all alone while I get my business done in the convention?” It was ballsy, but it worked!)

We got to see a bunch of friends that we somehow only see at cons anymore, bought a couple of books, fought the crowds, and I decided that I was pretty much fried by the end of Friday.

The rest of the weekend was spent away from the convention, seeing friends and finally having lunch with some family at Anthony's, right next to the Star of India.

It's a great place to eat, and a really cool place to wander around and look at the boats. If tall ships aren't your thing, then there are also two submarines! And you can go aboard and check them out, too!

his past week we said goodbye to our friend, and greeted some family who was in town for business.

(If you're looking for a really awesome bag, check out Peasants & Travelers!! We have the diaper bag half packed in anticipation, and we are loving it totally!) She didn't stay long, but

We loved having her here! Hopefully next time she can stay long enough to help me with my current obsession... turning fruits and veggies into tasty, tasty preserves. But I think that might be for another post- this one's getting a bit long...


  1. I think it would have been funny if we'd run into each other at the con, especially considering I didn't know you guys were going to be there.

  2. Man, that place is so crazy, we didn't even run into people when we knew what booth they were at! O_O
