Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brain Dump

I'm feeling really rather positive about things this morning. I'm still trying to shake off the dregs of this cold-turned-con-plague that I mutated at Anime Expo, but otherwise I'm feeling prety dang good! I also feel like I got more accomplished this morning before I left the apartment for work than I have for the past week, all put together! Things are looking pretty darned good for the future, too, with one, single exception: Ugly Shoe Blight.

I'm trying to find a decent pair of pumps, you see, that I can wear under my wedding dress without wanting to gnaw off my own feet by the end of the day. The real sticking point, however, is that I want them to be shoes I can wear more than just the once- so perfectly appropriate work shoes. Unfortunately nobody seems to be selling shoes this summer that aren't really truly ugly. I just plain don't understand it at all. Really, is anybody buying these awful things? Ah well.

In other news, I finished the market bag project I started knitting when I heard about my aunt passing away. I had been working on the baby sweater for my friend's soon-to-be new baby, but somehow the idea of knitting grief into a baby sweater felt wrong on any number of levels, so I needed something else to get me through that raw freshness of it all. So I started this, and this past weekend I finished it! I have to say that I really loved this pattern. It took me a little while to get my head around the instructions once or twice, but it wasn't actually hard. I was pretty distracted, to be totally fair. And the cotton yarn they sent in the kit is actually really fun to work with, so it was a win all around, and I've already started a second bag! I'll post a pic as soon as I remember to get the bag out of my trunk where all my grocery bags live. :P

Also I've been thinking a lot about getting unstuck and out of my Rut. I've been hitting up the Happiness Blog a lot, and actually got going with the Toolbox a bit. I have a few quibbles with the actual website layout (I think it’s a little busy, and my iPhone REALLY doesn't like to load it at all, though to be fair, that's not entirely the site designer's fault.) but the tools themselves are pretty neat. AND they are why I felt so accomplished this morning! I knocked out three out of my four resolutions, which makes me feel rather like I'm keeping my promises, even though they're just promises to myself. I am trying to really zone in on two habits that I really really want to improve- my Japanese and keeping my space tidy- and trying to make them more of a regular part of my day. I'm getting better about some of it, and that feeling of improvement really does make a huge difference in my general happiness level.

So there's today's Random Brain Dump for your reading pleasure!

[edit: I found some shoes, finally! They should arrive Tuesday and if they fit I'll post some photos. Yay!!]

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