Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wow, has it really been over a month? Well it's been busy. Wedding invitations needed planning out and cakes needed to be discussed and bills needed paying and anime conventions needed bracing for. I can't believe how soon SDCC is! I can't wait to see everyone- if I can find them!

Also, baby sweaters needed to be knit!! My friend at work is expecting his second any old time now, and being a knitter, naturally the first thing I did was to rush out to pick the perfect shade of yarn. Once you really think about Elizabeth Zimmerman's directions for a bit, it really does make a lot of sense, pithy or not. Here's my version of her February Baby Sweater:

I hope it tastes just great! (hey, I know perfectly well how babies assess things.) The only change I made was that instead of buttons I picked up stitches along the neck and did i-cord across to make the ties. (also, I really can't figure out why this photo won't stay re-oriented correctly. I'm really sorry it's on it's side, I will try to fix it later.) Anyway, it's a really fun thing to knit, I rather enjoyed it!

Let's see… what else have I been up to? I finally repotted the Japanese maple, I think it's rather happier now that it has some root space. The tomato plants have not only flowers, but some wee tomatoes on them! The snails have, unfortunately been at the peppers, but I'm hoping they're making a comeback. The peppers, I mean, not the snails.

Well, I can't think of anything else necessary to bringing y'all up to date with me. I will try to be better at this whole keeping-up-with-my-writing thing, which is of course half the point of this here blog!

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