Saturday, July 2, 2011

I make things!

I could prove it, too, if I could find the camera cable OR the camera's battery charger. I'll have to ask my sweetie, he'll probably know. When we get all these things together in the same place, I could show you all sorts of things! Blueberry jam! And raspberry syrup-soon-to-be-shrub. (I'll explain later.) and blackberry soon-to-be-shrub! and rumtopf. delicious boozy fruity goodness...

Yeah, I'm also on a diet.

BUT! I also dabble in carpentry! I spent some 10 or so years as a theatre tech, you see. Mainly in lighting, but I've done my fair share of set building and welding and so on, so I can do a few small projects here and there. So I've been building a hutch for the kitchen.

What? That's a small project! Let me explain. I took two Ikea bookcases (white Billy ones) that my friend gave me after a move, and I've chopped them up, rearranged them, and put them back together in a new, harmonious way. I have a couple of photos. You know. When I find my camera cable.

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