Sunday, June 26, 2011

cleaning, part 2

In my last post I mentioned a post on Ready. Set. Simplify. that got my mind running more productively on the subject of cleaning. The part that really snagged my mind was this
" have something of a love-hate relationship with schedules. My personality is more
spontaneous and fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, yet I find that schedules and
structure really help me. In fact, I think as I get older, I crave structure and planning more"

Man, does that sound familiar to me. I really love a schedule. I love being able to know when something is going to happen. I CRAVE it, just like she says there! But- and here's the big thing about it- I need to be held accountable to it because I've learned that on my own I just don't follow a schedule at all. I tend to get caught up in other things, or figure 'Well since I'm the one why MADE the schedule, who cares if I just do whatever instead?' and then I lie in bed that night and feel totally lame for not having gotten done then things I wanted to do. If I'm being held accountable by a higher authority like, a class schedule, or... my mother (hi Mom!) or appointments with other people.

I'm... not really sure how to get better about this. It doesn't work for someone to come check in on me (not even Mom!) because it's still my schedule. :-/ So... I guess I'm going to have to think harder about this. I really like R.S.S.'s schedule though. (The one on the post about cleaning that I linked to yesterday.) I'll probably adapt that somehow.


  1. I can totally sympathize with the love/hate thing with schedules. I found this site, which is similar in some ways to the page you found.

    It's a little annoying to look through, but the gist of it is that you start really slow and work your way up to a productive daily routine. And the other part of it is that you pick a specific non-routine task daily as part of the routine, like vacuuming or cleaning toilets. The actual site feels really gimmicky to me, but I'm trying to get myself into a regular rotation of the non-daily type stuff, like sweeping floors every 4 weeks. I started like 3 weeks ago, setting myself tasks for each week. I'm already a bit behind, but I figure I'll give myself a while to really get on top of things.

    The whole accountability thing is an issue for me, too. If you come up with some buddy system type deal, I'd be game. :)

  2. Thanks, I'll totally check that link out. Any help is good help, right? Here's to finally getting my act together!

  3. Hi Neomera! I'm so glad you liked my post! :-) It looks like we have a lot in common. I could have written your post as well! For me, my blog is "my mom" and my readers are "my mom." (I do also have a really wonderful real mom!) Blogging has really helped me with accountability! Good luck with your cleaning schedule!

  4. Wow! Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for dropping by! :D

    Yeah, that's one thing I was thinking when I posted- maybe this blog can help be my conscience. I don't have either my mom nor Jiminy Cricket here to keep me honest, but maybe the weight of the internet can help me out a bit. Once I figure out some sort of routine, that is.
