Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer cleaning

So I've been stressing out lately about how wretched a housekeeper I am. I mean, I know I'm no type A cleaner- if the choice comes between having friends over or vacuuming, friends win. But honestly. We've lived in this apartment since November, and we're not even CLOSE to being unpacked. I'm so frigging sick of looking at boxes. So I've decided that come hell or high water I am GOING TO UNPACK BY AUGUST!! That gives me a month. I'm also not going to worry if I don't get every single last thing out of boxes, so long as I'm so close I can taste it.

ON the other hand, I have The Boy. Who turned 9 whole months old last week, and has developed a terribly fussy, clingy attitude. Also, when he's content to not be carried, he's mobile. Crawling and damn close to walking. And very, very curious. If I try to pull a box out he's going to get into it, opened or not. Add to that my fairly limited storage options, and my really terrible organization skills, and this is kinda challenging.

The other half of this project was inspired by stumbling across this post about a cleaning schedule. I'm thinking I might be able to sort something like this out maybe. Do diaper laundry three or four times a week (really not as bad as it sounds, I swear!) Do grown up's laundry at least once a week. Sweep. Tidy something. We'll see what I come up with and how well it goes. I plan to post this schedule up here, and hopefully y'all can help keep me honest till it's really a habit.

Also, coming soon, how I turned a couple of bookshelves into a hutch. Woo! Storage!

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